Sinister Ice Cream | Buy 1/2 Pint Ice Cream | Sinister Coffee and Creamery

Hey there Spooky enthusiasts! We have consulted the oracles and we will be conjuring up spooky food & drinks back at our shop located at 301 SW Morrison in downtown Portland Oregon! Did you miss out on the Ghost Conference this year? Don’t worry we got you and your Boo covered! Oregon Ghost Conference Coffee now available online 👻

In a World Where You Can Be Anything Be Sinister

Spooky Portland Ice Cream


 What makes a good ice cream? Is it the creamy texture? Is it the flavor? Is it what it reminds you of on a warm summers day? Ice cream can be daring or nostalgic, both bringing something of equal value to the table. At Sinister we like this versatile medium for its ability to pack maximum flavor into every bite. That being said, our ice cream base is relatively simple in comparison to many of the long term shelf stable ice cream varieties.

Small Batch Ice cream

Our ice cream, from the beginning was never intended or prepared for long term storage. In 2019 we made fresh made to order Thai style rolled ice cream. That was our starting point and philosophy about ice cream: the fresher the better and quality ingredients make your products taste better. We have a photo gallery for those who are interested in the rolled ice cream process and it is something we are considering bringing back to our new brick and mortar location.


Berried Alive … Second Season

Sicilian Style Ice creaM

2020 threw us a curve ball in terms of how we were able to sell our products to our customers. Thus, pre-packaged 1/2 pint ice creams were developed with minimal changes to our base ice cream! We explanded our line to include ice-Scream Sandwiches in 2024. Typically these will change weekly. Follow us on socials for up to date selections!

Choc-ol-IT Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich


Killer Koffee - Sinister Coffee

Grimm - Chocolate

The Otherside - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Berried Alive - Blueberry & Strawberry

Red White and Boo - Strawberry & Blueberry Swirl

Ghostly Encounter - Black Sesame & Brown Sugar

Same as it Never Was - Blueberry Lemon Curd

Berried Alive… 2nd Season - Blueberry & Blackberry

Not Yet Named - Blueberry Balsamic

Casper - Signature Sweet Cream


Red White and Boo


Killer Koffee


Ghostly Encounter


Berried Alive


The Otherside


Same As It Never Was




Berried Alive…Second Season



Rolled Ice Cream

This method involves the freezing of liquid components on a cold plate. However, what we add is as interesting as what we leave out. To start, our rolled ice cream was absent any stabilizers which are common in store bought ice creams. The method of making ice cream in this manor is called Philadelphia Style ice cream. It is ice cream that is made to be consumed immediately because it is absent additives that allow it to be stored long term. Videos to come...