Does it feel off to anybody that people would rather nay-say about the effectiveness of ghost hunting technology, rather than put time, effort, or energy into something that could work better? It would seem to the writers of this blog that with all the resources and capital that is available in this world, we could certainly come up with some undeniably amazing ghost hunting technology. To most of us in the field, we already have, and new things are being tested and introduced all the time. The problem is not an economic one, as ghost hunting is a worldwide phenomenon. The problem is that the field of science isn’t equiped with an answer as to what a ghost/non-visible world is, much less how to measure it. After-all, who can prove or disprove the existence of an afterlife or even the non-visible in a human dominated world? For those people who would just assume use science to discard the incredibly interesting and ingenious ways that modern ghost hunters attempt to find proof and communicate with the spirit world across several different scientific disciplines, we would ask that they take an opportunity to make something better. Is that not the basic premise behind a capitalist system? Innovation, modernization, and technology that propels us forward even though we are still pretty primitive beings that struggle to keep up with and change with everything that changes around us.