Ghost Tech

Mirror Mirror...The Ancient Practice of Scrying

Mastering the Art of Scrying: How to Use Black Mirrors for Spiritual Insight

Have you ever played Bloody Mary? Or how about seeing something that you you could’ve sworn was a person behind you when you look up into a mirror? Scrying is considered the active attempt at communication using a visual element like a crystal, mirror or water; with the aim of finding answers from within or communicating with spirits. Some people have a more natural attunement to their sixth sense, some seek that connection out through others, while still others practice a type of spiritual engagement through divination. All are valid quests with the sole aim of gaining insight into a truth that hasn’t yet become apparent.

Scrying Mirrors: A Paranormal Tool for Divination & Spirit Communication

This blog will explore the vast world of scrying and it’s implications and uses for today’s world. Scrying mirrors are of particular interest for us at Sinister, and we will explore these as a medium for investigating paranormal phenomenon. We tend to look beyond happen stance when it comes to ghost investigations, not everything works for the same location even, from one investigation to the next. Some paranormal researchers have particular interest in using one device over another, from our standpoint most if not all of them have their specialties and uses. To read more about other types of paranormal research equipment follow this link.

What Is Scrying? A Paranormal & Metaphysical Tool

Scrying, an ancient practice of seeking visions through a mirror, crystal ball, still water or even flames, has held an allure and intrigue throughout human history. From shadowy corners in medieval castles to the hushed rooms of Victorian parlors, this practice has beckoned seekers of all kinds in the quest to find answers not yet revealed.

Gaze Into My Crystal Ball

Whether one desires an introspection into past events or is seeking premonitions of possible futures, looking in the right places for answers might just give you more than expected. Focused energy with a scrying surface medium, some speculate, provides a glimpse into life that is alligned with who you are and what you may feel is your life purpose. Whether one enjoys the solitude of water gazing or trusts the intuition of a mystic, odds are you are seeking answers to some very personal questions that tend to be unique to this form of vision work.

The History of Scrying: From Ancient Divination to Paranormal Investigations

Scrying traces back thousands of years, with cultures across the globe incorporating some aspects of its value. Ancient Egyptians used bowls of water to communicate with the deities. In Greek tradition, peering into polished dark obsidian allowed one to receive messages from the Oracle. During the period of Spiritualism in England, a “magic mirror" was used almost like a portal, to converse with angels by a close advisor to Queen Elisabeth I. Although many mystics and spiritualists claims have been debunked over the years, the possiblility of insight, protection and guidance keeps people coming to the mirror for answers so to speak.

Metaphysical Uses of Scrying Mirrors: Shadow Work, Divination & Psychic Development

Obsidian is still considered to be a powerful stone thought to possess protective meta physical properties. Obsidian is used in crystal work to cleanse a space or energy field of negative energies. Scrying, because of the many ways it can be used as a medium, has had a staying power throughout human history, one could argue, that is unrivaled. Scrying still used in many witch craft practices, contains a ritual element where there are a series of steps that go along with a scrying medium.

Scrying and Divination

In Wiccan culture scrying is a part of spiritual practice, and with that comes a certain set of rituals regarding it. Scrying, in this sense, is a medium used for Divination. It can be used to access your subconscious or as a tool to connect to your intuition and spirit guides.

How to Make Your Own DIY Scrying Mirror

If you are interested in making your own DIY Scrying Mirror. Follow the Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Own Divination Tool by following the link above. If you are ready to try your your mind’s eye at Scrying follow the tutorial below. For a more indepth look at this process there is a link provided at the end of this segment.

Step-by-Step Guide to Scrying for Beginners

1) Location Matters: be somewhere you can be alone with your thoughts.

2) Cleansing: Cleanse your scrying apparatus and space you are conducting this ritual. More detail provided in the link below.

3) Grounding: Grounding yourself could include deep breathing, and orienting yourself to your physical space. From there, focus your mind and intentions on that which you are seeking.

4) Start with Protection: burn some sage and focus on positive energy flowing through you, connecting you to your space.

5) Looking Inward: Internally Focus your energy on your intention.

6) Using a Visual Stimulus: Fix your gaze on your reflective scrying surface of choice.

7) Engaging in the Process: Trust yourself, what comes to you? Use your intuition and follow your thought process. This looks different to everyone, but wait for clarity around something you are thinking about.

8) What Have You Learned: Record your session. Even if you didn’t think it was important at the time, it may be important later.

9) Ending is just as important as beginning: Close Session. This looks a lot like offering gratitude and living in a space of thanks with the spiritual world that is yours.

10) Bring Yourself to the Present: Do breath work. Reorienting yourself to your present and your body is key to this process.

For a Full walk through of the above visit Magic Beautiful. This method of communication whether inner-personal or more broadly spiritually, can be very powerful.

Scrying in Paranormal Research: Can You See Ghosts in the Mirror?

Scrying for spirit communication has been a bit of a hot topic in paranormal research circles. Urban legends abound of haunted mirrors being a portal to another dimension or home to sinister spirits. In ghost investigating, a scrying mirror can be used as a tool or method of communication. Some investigators might use scrying as one of many paranormal investigation tools or as a way of Third eye activation for sensitives who are more aware of energies around them.

Ouija boards, work under a similar philosophy, however, being manufactured as a game, sometimes Ouija boards attract a different kind of intention from the user. This is an excellent time to discuss safety around using any of these potentially powerful tools. Intention is always the most important thing, using your medium with pure intent and also doing the research necessary to use it correctly is a must in both paranormal or metaphysical areas. Keeping Yourself Protected is an article we recommend reading if you are going to go ahead with any ghost investigating or metaphysical exploration.

Do You Think Scrying can Alter Your Perception

When it comes to scrying, some questions loom. What will the surface reveal or what might it conceal? Are we brave enough to face the reflection? There might be truths that most if not all of us can access if we try. Perhaps it all comes down to what is within us and what our pre-existing beliefs are about the universe and our personal space in it.

Tell us what you think! Is scrying part of your experience? Feel free to share this post and give us your take on scrying or whatever aspects of this post you found most interesting! In the meantime, check out our coffee selection, other ghost content blogs and get your spooky on!

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