Into The Light

Light Roast Coffee

Bring your coffee game to a whole different level with Sinister’s guide to the perfect roast...for you. No matter your preference we’ve got you covered. From our light roast to dark roast and everything in between. This blog is intended for anyone hoping to understand more about types of roasts and what flavor differences they bring to your coffee drinking experience. Today’s topic is all about Light Roast Coffee. Read on for more and stay tuned for upcoming blog posts.

Shutterstock: Jane Rix

Shutterstock: Jane Rix

What is Light Roast Coffee

Light roast coffee is light brown-cinnamon in color and retains the most amount of caffeine of the roasting levels short of not roasting coffee beans entirely. In general, light roasts retain more of the flavors of the coffee bean. In this respect, a coffee beans origin, or where it was grown will be a defining flavor characteristic. This origin profile can emphasize floral and citrus notes. Light roasts have a higher caffeine level and unique flavor nuances specific to its grow region.

Light roast descriptors: Light Roast/Cinnamon Roast/New England Roast

Grind Size


When coffee is ground finer, it has more surface exposure. Coffee bean extraction will happen quickly. With light roast coffee it is generally recommended to use a fine grind in combination with a slow brewing method. Coffee grind size is just one factor that plays into the taste of your final cup.


Light Roast Brewing Method

Light roasts are less porous and denser than dark roasts. The compounds in light roast coffee will extract slowly. Light roasts are often brewed using a slow steep method such as pour over. With the pour-over technique, the ground coffee beans have more time in contact with water. Slow brewing light roasts highlights the beans more nuanced intricate notes.

Want More Sinister?

Want to keep reading our brewing guides? Check out Roasts and Brewing! Interested in our coffee names? Check out our coffee behind the name blogs! Sinister’s light roast coffee, Clairvoyant, has a story all it’s own! Ready to try some light roast coffee? Click the button below!