Orbs | Ghost Blog | Sinister Coffee and Creamery

Hey there Spooky enthusiasts! We have consulted the oracles and we will be conjuring up spooky food & drinks back at our shop located at 301 SW Morrison in downtown Portland Oregon! Did you miss out on the Ghost Conference this year? Don’t worry we got you and your Boo covered! Oregon Ghost Conference Coffee now available online 👻


At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffee, ice cream, and a good paranormal investigation. You can read more about our investigations here. These are the things that define us, and brought this blog to you! Check out our coffee selections and read on!

Simply put, are orbs spirits? What are orbs in photos? What is a light anomaly? How can you tell if orbs are real? These are all questions people have about orbs and their connection to the spirit world. This blog will talk about orbs and how they are viewed in the paranormal community.

Light Anomalies

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There isn’t a lot of information about “orbs” out there, and their connection or lack there of to the paranormal world. Light anomalies are often considered “orbs” when being referred to in paranormal investigations, but as we will explore later, not always. Light anomalies and orbs are some of the most hotly debated forms of evidence collection in paranormal investigating. The reason for this is simple but also worth talking about: what makes up an orb, and how does it appear when captured as evidence.

Orbs or Not


Some Paranormal researchers take “orbs” as is during an investigation, meaning they include them in their findings, but typically don’t go much further than that. Some take them as evidence of the paranormal, others omit them completely. Why is there so much discrepancy? Not all “orbs” are alike and when they appear in different forms, they become more difficult to explain and address in paranormal investigations. Trying to navigate the difference and what it might mean can be tricky. Many sphere-like objects appearing in pictures can be and are debunked as dust particles, bugs, etc. However, debunking specifically of video evidence, typically takes place after an investigation.

Energy Efficient Spheres

Find out more about Apparitions

Find out more about Apparitions

One paranormal researcher asserts that “orbs” are fairly common during investigations. This investigator continues to explain why “orbs” should be considered as evidence in a paranormal investigation even though they may not be evidence of the paranormal. “A sphere is the most energy-efficient shape in nature, and if a spirit is at a low energy level, it makes sense that a sphere would be the shape it would take.” Operating under the assertion that ghosts would need energy to manifest, he views “orbs” as the “lowest form of an apparition”.

Light Anomalies vs Orbs

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Another investigator distinguishes the difference between light anomalies and “orbs”. Light anomalies, according to this medium whom is also a paranormal investigator, are different from “orbs” in three major ways; they create their own light source, they are more semi-circle or crescent shaped, and they slowly follow a direct flight path. The theory he presents is based on scientific studies involving the mixing of energies. He explains that the addition of a new energy into an environment containing its own energy would produce an electric, “arc like current”. According to this investigator, arch shaped light anomalies could possibly be ghosts affecting the environment around them.

Wrap Up

These are some of the more scientific oriented arguments for what “orbs” or light anomalies are. It’s an interesting thing, exploring the non-visible world and trying to make sense out of it. Some may never validate paranormal investigating or the evidence collected as legitimate because of the ever present question: how do you unequivocally prove that the evidence you gather is paranormal? There is no scientific formula as it pertains to the paranormal world. However, many great scientific minds have believed that the existence of paranormal phenomenon is a reality not yet proven scientifically. This line of thinking was popular among some highly decorated and prominent scientists including Albert Einstein. Nobel Prize winning scientist Pierre Curie stated in 1905 that “There is here, in my opinion, a whole domain of entirely new facts and physical states in space of which we have no conception.” If you would like to read more on any of the topics referenced, check the links at the bottom of the page!

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*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.



