The Hat Man | Myths and Lore | Sinister Coffee and Creamery

Hey there Spooky enthusiasts! We have consulted the oracles and we will be conjuring up spooky food & drinks back at our shop located at 301 SW Morrison in downtown Portland Oregon! Did you miss out on the Ghost Conference this year? Don’t worry we got you and your Boo covered! Oregon Ghost Conference Coffee now available online 👻

The Hat Man

At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffeeice cream, and a good paranormal investigation.  You can read more about our investigations here. These are the things that define us, and brought this blog to you! Check out our coffee selections and read on!


The Hat man Art Challenge

Calling all artists! Submit your Hat man artwork and get featured on this blog! We are starting a rotating art section, click the link to participate.

Die Cut Sticker $7.99


The Hat Man is one of those things that seems really hard to believe exists until you yourself experience it. Unlike ghost hunting detection gear that is able to obtain viable evidence of the ghost world, there isn’t really anything like that set up for the existence of Hat Man. Is it a myth? Is it an inter-dimensional being? What about the scientific community and the claim of sleep paralysis?

Maybe that’s the most reasonable conclusion, but one thing remains, the experience of Hat Man crosses borders and time periods. There is a blog that is dedicated to people writing in about their experiences with it. The question looming is that if it’s sleep paralysis, how and why do so many experience the same thing?

My Dream Journal

Remembering your dreams can be inspiring, horrifying and curious all at the same time. Have you dreamed about the Hatman? Use this journal to explore your dreams further. Now available for $9.99 on Amazon.

History and Observation

A number of religions, legends, and belief systems describe what are known as shades, shadowy spiritual beings or supernatural entities. There isn’t consensus on whether these figures are good, bad or something else entirely. Some ufologists believe Hat Man could be a an alien species observing people. Data collected on Hat Man has predominantly been first hand accounts of personal experiences. People describe an entity watching either from a doorway, closet or corner of a room. Most accounts say observation is all that happens, strengthening Ufologist claims.


Other’s claim they are approached on, or the Hat Man hovers over the top of them, strengthening the scientific community’s claim that Hat Man is experienced as sleep paralysis. Yet others claim to also see him during the day time when they are awake and going about their day. Still other accounts state they experience seeing Hat Man during, after or before a major trauma or traumatic event. This connection to Hat Man would seem to suggest a spiritual or emotion driven aspect to the shade or shadow figure not always accounted for.


Describing Hat Man

Physical accounts of Hat Man are that he appears with male defined characteristics. Hat Man is a completely dark entity, most similar to what people could more easily identify as a shadow person. Hat Man wears a fedora, or some type of long brimmed hat. Hat Man appears to be wearing some type of coat, often described as a trench coat. Some accounts say he has red eyes, however, most people say much like his clothing, his face is obscured and they can make out a general outline of where he’s located. Witnesses describe his height being about six feet tall.

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Finding information for this post included finding other blogs related to Hat Man. One was a starting point of our research you can read more here.

Another was the blog relating to people’s experiences with Hat Man, you can read more here. However, of course we would like you to share your experiences with us! Click here to submit your story.

*Due to the popularity of this post, we have opened up the comments section in an effort to continue conversation about this topic. If you would like to read more on other paranormal encounters, check out our blog The Old Hag.

Shadow Organic Peruvian Dark Roast

Want to share your story on this page directly?

Want to read others experiences that have been shared? Click here to message us directly and let us know your anonymity preferences, or use the comment section below and as always, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Check out the Hatman Art Challenge artwork submitted below.

Hatman Art Submissions

Art by EBanimations

Too Scared to Sleep? Get Coffee!

We got the perfect coffee to help you stay awake. Check out our Guatemalan organic roasts or our Peruvian roasts. Click the following link to check out our full line of coffee products you can buy online. Don't forget we have hand packed ice cream too! Available for pre-purchase and pick-up at our booth at the Portland Farmers Market!

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